

In preparing for a funeral, the following information may be helpful.

The local undertakers are:

  • Michael Leydon, Swanlinbar
  • Pat Blake Derrylin
  • Tom Nulty, Kinawley
  • Pat Cox, Arney

Some other useful guidence

  • Arrange someone to do the music in good time.
  • Choose one Old Testament reading and one New Testament reading.
  • Make out 5/6 Prayers of the Faithful, customised to the person who has just died.
  • Arrange to have 2/4 people to bring up the gifts.

If a new grave in Shanvalley cemetery is required, please contact John Breen, Moher, Kinawley.

Kinawley Graveyard Policy

  1. Those entitled to a plot will be residents in Saint Naile's Church area at the time of burial or children/parents of the above.
  2. Family plots should be fully utilized in the old and new cemeteries before using Shanvalley cemetery. There must be a reason for moving to Shanvalley. There must for example have been recent burials or in the case of a husband and wife - only one space left.
  3. In Shanvalley cemetery at the time of burial, the graves will be allocated in sequence, starting from boundary walls towards central path.
  4. Burials in all cemeteries to be agreed in advance with the priest in charge of Saint Naile's at the time.
  5. Should old remains be discovered at the time of grave excavation, then these should always be placed next to the coffin before the grave is refilled.
  6. Immediately after burials, the graves are to be left tidy, so that the cemeteries can be properly maintained. It is also envisaged that within a reasonable time period that a surround would be placed around the grave. The reason for this is for the easy identification and maintenance of the grave by the family.
  7. All surplus wreaths etc. must be removed from graves and only disposed of either in the skips provided, or else removed from the Church grounds.
  8. Cost of graves in Shanvalley cemetery for single, double and triple plots respectively: £100, £200, £300.

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